Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Joey's Birthday

Our kids all know that they are allowed birthdays only on certain years.  With 5 kids, jobs, sports, music, school...... we just can't get it together to do everybody's birthday party every year.  They always have family over for cake and ice cream and presents, but they only get a "friend" birthday party when they turn 5, 8, 12, and 16 (and by the time they're 16, they just want to be dropped off at the mall or the movie theater with their crew, anyway).
Joey finally got to have his 8th birthday party -- when he turned 9!  Yes, we were so busy selling our house and buying a new one that we didn't have time to pull it together enough to give him his birthday party.  Boo, bad parents.  Or that's what I thought.  Until I realized that doing it after he had moved to a new school was better anyway.  He invited all his new friends, and we rented out an indoor football field.  There were over 20 kids there.  We filled them with pizza, cake, and ice cream; gave them a football, and turned them loose.  It was the greatest, easiest party we've ever done!  And they had a blast.

Joey had been asking for a trumpet for his birthday.  After talking to a professor at the college, who I know from the Symphony, we set up lessons and got him his first trumpet.  His lessons are going amazingly well.  His teacher keeps looking at me with big eyes, shaking his head, saying, "Wow.  This kid is really going to be something!  We have something really special on our hands!"  Joey is a natural.  Even from the first lesson, it was pretty obvious.  He really enjoys his lessons, and his teacher does, too.  He frequently texts me, saying what a great kid Joey is.  And I love hearing him practicing!

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