Monday, May 20, 2013

She Did It!

Grace has been tentatively mulling learning to ride a bike with no training wheels.  She is not fond of anything that will possibly cause her the slightest bit of pain.  And she knew that riding a 2 wheeler was probably going to cause her some sort of pain.
So for a couple of weeks, she would just kind of look at the bike.  Then she decided to sit on it, but not really go anywhere.  Then she started coasting down the driveway, aiming for the grass so that it would cushion her landing.  No peddling, just coasting.
Finally, after seeing the big boys having so much fun riding their bikes wherever they wanted, she must have decided enough was enough.
She came inside to tell us that she was going to learn to ride the bike.  It was time, she had decided.  It took her 2 tries, and she had it!
And now she rides around like a maniac, going way too fast, and just about losing it around the corners.  The neighbor almost backed up over her, because she was going 65 miles per hour and didn't have time to stop before his driveway.
She has been grounded from turning around at the neighbor's driveway.  But she still rides like a maniac.

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